Sunday, May 16, 2010

off to yosemite

Having come in late the night before and knowing that we would soon be sleeping out in the cold and have no Internet access for the next few days, I was loathe to get out of bed on Monday, the official day 1 of our Yosemite trip. But get up we did after a while to partake of the free breakfast. We then went to the local grocery store to get some more foodstuff and stock up on wood. (The wood inside the park was actually cheaper. Many reviews I read said that the stores inside the park often ran out of wood, but maybe that's in the summer. I think the wood we got may have been much better for making fires, though.) We filled up the tank, checked out, and off we went.

It was probably almost noon by the time we headed out. It was a cold and cloudy day. We passed through mountains with lovely-colored rocks and wildflowers.

After a while, much of the road ran alongside the Merced River.

We entered the park through the Arch Rock entrance.

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